I am a wildlife/nature photographer based in Massachusetts. My website is an attempt to bring natural wonders at your fingertips. I have been interested in animals and birds since I have been aware of my surroundings from my toddler days. I used to spend hours in front of the preschool aquarium and love-bird cages.  Mom and dad encouraged and channelized my interest into a passion and being from artistically vibrant cities like Pune and Hyderabad, India helped me to get mentors and likeminded friends.


I started photography in 2002 with the idea of bringing special and unique memories back home. Since then, I have had more than 800 photographic acceptances and a dozen awards by participating in competitions held all across the world. I have been featured twice in the Top 15 in Who's Who, Photographic Society of America's in North America for the high number of acceptances for the year. I am a Cancer Biologist by profession and due to my scientific bent of mind, my photographs have always attempted to capture a piece of the natural history of my subjects. My photographs have been used for educational and research purpose by NGO's and different Institutes in India and the US.


I hope you will enjoy my photographs and if you find anything interesting, they are also available for sale.


Thank you for visiting my website!